star trek

It’s really good. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s not great. I don’t think any single movie (with the possible and obvious exception of The Wrath of Khan) or episode (with the possible and obvious exception of the Next Generation episode “The Inner Light”) has…

bsg: religion and paying attention

All over discussions of the finale I’m hearing the same parrot squawk: “The show’s ending isn’t deus ex machina because it’s been about God from the BEGINNING! Weren’t you paying ATTENTION?” Yes, I was, frak you very much. We all were. But introducing religion doesn’t…

battlestar galactica: daybreak

Battlestar Galactica is finally over. I’m okay with it. Right now I have very mixed feelings about how it ended, and I want to get my thoughts out before I dive into the online discussions. First, let me review my predictions. If you are afraid…

battlestar galactica: revised predictions

If you haven’t seen “Daybreak, Part 1,” this past week’s episode, you probably should watch it first, though frankly there was really nothing to spoil in it. So to review my previous predictions: 1. I’m not longer sure what to think about my girlfriend’s idea…

watching the watchmen

For me this movie was the equivalent of the Futureheads cover of Kate Bush’s “Hounds of Love.” Of course it’s not as good as the original, without which it doesn’t mean nearly as much, but despite its brashness and eagerness, it’s still extremely enjoyable, and…

battlestar galactica: predictions

Here’s what I think we’re going to see in the Battlestar Galactica finale. If you haven’t seen tonight’s episode (“Islanded in a Stream of Stars”), you should watch it first. To give you a little spoiler space, I’ll start with some of the less specific…

breaking dawn

In which Meyer goes “oh shit, it’s time to end this sucker” and spins out close to 750 pages in one volume. At first it’s kind of exciting, because instead of taking 300 pages to work out the obvious Bella does it in maybe 100…


A lot of people consider this their favorite of the Twilight books. It has some cool elements, such as the first serious fight sequence (though it’s a sideline to the main battle that Edward has to narrate to us because Meyer didn’t budget for a…

new moon

One point on which Cleolinda and I differ is the porn factor of these books. For her it’s mushy vampire romance, which she both loves and laughs her ass off at. For me it’s Jacob Black running around shirtless and getting naked at any opportunity…granted,…

finished the twilight series

I’ve finished the rest of the Twilight series. After this I’ll post some comments on each of the other three books. First of all, let me admit that I did mostly enjoy reading them, which is pretty amazing considering that I hated a lot of…