Classic Who Speedthrough: The 80s

A list of the Doctor Who stories (1980-1996) you HAVE to watch to have any clue what’s going on, plus a few recommended fan favorites (even if, for a few, the only fan in question is me).

Wearing a Bit Thin

“Is that what Time Lords do? Lop a bit off, grow another one? You’re like worms.”

The Name of the Doctor

Spoilers within. Don’t read until you’ve seen the episode…not that it would make much sense if you hadn’t. I could tell this was going to be a good one, because I got through about thirty seconds and then had to rewind to the beginning and…

Remembrance of the Daleks

This is the point at which it’s widely claimed that Doctor Who got back on track after at least three, perhaps as many as ten seasons depending on what kind of fan you are. Even the people who never quite warmed to Sylvester McCoy tend…