Star Trek Beyond

“This is the third Star Trek movie in a row to be about a terrorist seeking misguided revenge, and I really hope they find a new story next time around, one that makes better use of their characters and actually bothers to explore an idea among all the motorcycle stunts and explosions.”

Checking in

So yeah. It’s been a while. I’ve been watching loads of things, but not much that’s inspired me to take the time to write a full entry. Here are a few I remember offhand. Accatone: Eh. Even in Italian I can tell the acting can’t…

Star Trek: two episodes in

I’ve started watching the original Star Trek. You might be shocked that I’ve never really seen it before, but I’ve always been a dilettante when it comes to nerdy stuff. I probably spent almost as much time with horror and mystery when I was a…

star trek

It’s really good. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s not great. I don’t think any single movie (with the possible and obvious exception of The Wrath of Khan) or episode (with the possible and obvious exception of the Next Generation episode “The Inner Light”) has…